Thursday, October 27, 2011

Together Again.

Butterfly Children's Hospice has been open since 2009, but Lyn and Alan Gould have been giving their hearts and lives to the care of palliative care children in China for over a decade. Their task has been both heartbreaking, and beautiful - even though it doesn't seem possible to put those words together. Sometimes the sorrow seems overwhelming, and other moments are full of indescribable joy.
This is one of those joyful times July this year, Lyn and Alan visited Australia to speak about the work with palliative care professionals, and to meet with supporters. During the trip they were able to pay a visit to Ruby.
Ruby was born prematurely and not expected to survive. She was placed into Lyn's arms six years ago, weighing only 1.5kg and looking like a tiny doll. For five weeks, she slept right beside Lyn day and night. When she got stronger, Lyn said goodbye to her, hoping that the teeny-tiny baby would grow into a happy child with a bright future. But she never expected that they would be re-united!
Yet here they are, on Australian soil, with such a lot to catch up on. Lyn and Alan spent the morning at Ruby's school, and spoke to students and staff about the work in China. Ruby was delighted to introduce her friends to NaiNai and YeYe, and see her China life interconnecting with her new life in Australia. And once again, we were all reminded that there is hope for every child.

1 comment:

Drew and Rachel said...

so cool --

and I love the name Ruby. If Titus or Michael were girls they would have been Ruby!
