Sunday, September 4, 2011

Never an easy life

This little fellow is Paul. He’s a handsome boy, whose smile will melt any heart. When he is not asleep, he is always on the move. We are hoping that sometime soon he will be adopted. What a joy he will be for a family looking for some extra fun and cute little boy mischief.
Pauls story is one of sadness, healing and redemption.. He came to us at one day of age, urgently needing surgery to save his life. The costs were high, and the money wasn’t sitting in the bank, but we knew we had to respond. He had major abdominal surgery locally, and then further treatment in Beijing. At the local hospital, they recognized him because of his condition, and we were able to learn something of his background. His birth mother was very young and very poor – even with an offer to pay his medical bills, she was not in a position to raise her baby. She made the heartbreaking decision to walk away, hoping for someone else to love her boy.
After some complications with wound healing, Paul has grown to be a cheeky fun loving little guy. He is healthy and affectionate, with a talent for socializing. The scar on his tummy tells the story of his rough start, but his radiant smile is what will carry him into the future. We are looking forward to the day he will be welcomed into a new family, and that young mother’s dream for her boys future will come true.


Clare said...

I would really like to adopt this little boy!! Is it paperwork ready yet? He is beautiful and has stolen my heart. Please let me know when I can come forward to adopt him.

Thank you for sharing more about this precious boy!!

. said...

Please contact via
Thanks Alan

jhenny said...

Is that Paul??? OMG...he looks sooo healthy and cute. he does have a lovely smile. I will never forget his very touching story. kindly give him my hugs and kisses.